Onions: Seed Starting

Last year, my onion seeds started off strong. However, prolonged time indoors caused them to whither to shriveled up strands. As a result, in November I did a lot of research on starting onions and when to start and transplant, specifically in a New England climate.

On February 18th, I started all of my onions. The three varieties I am growing this year are Walla Walla Sweet onions; Patterson Yellow Onions; and, Bareo Red Onions.

To start the onion seeds, I took potting soil and partially filled three seed starting trays. Then, I scattered the onion seeds a tray by seed type. Next, I lightly covered the seeds. After, I mixed water and fish emulsion and wet the soil. After the soil was sufficiently moistened, I put the cover on the seedling trays and put on the grow rack under the growing lights.

Now, I am just eagerly awaiting to see the onion seeds start. Over the next week or so, I will spay the trays daily to ensure the soil stays moist.


Hardy Vegetable Seed Start


Planning the Garden 2: The Seed Order