March Garden Update
Three weeks ago, I started my onions and hardy vegetable seeds indoors. As a reminder, the types of onions that I started were Walla Walla, Patterson Yellow, and Barleo Red. For the hardy vegetables, I started three types of cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. I started these seeds because they are cold tolerant, and my area is very sporadic in March when it comes to weather. Therefore, I have two updates to my seedlings: (1) growth progress; and (2) up potting the hardy vegetables.
Seed Updates
The onion seeds were particularly slow to germinate this year. After three weeks, they only have about a half to a full inch of growth.
In contrast, the hardy vegetables were pretty quick to start. I saw germination within seven days and by week three they were a little overgrown and needed to be up potted.
Thinning & Up Potting Hardy Vegetable Seedlings
As the hardy vegetables have overgrown the small spaces in the potting disks, they were in desperate need of a bigger container. Therefore, I needed to up pot the seedlings. To start, I watered the seedlings. Then, I thinned the plants (this was accomplished by removing the smaller seedlings and weak stalk seedlings, so that only a single seedling remained in each potting disk). After, I put the potting disk in a larger container with soil, then I covered the plants with additional soil and watered. Last, I placed the pots back on the grow rack to continue to grow.